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Haber ve Duyuru Detay

10 Mart 2022

Başkent EDAŞ gathers with headmen in Zonguldak

Başkent EDAŞ, operating with its pioneering technologies and human-oriented approach, gathered with the headmen regarding the activities carried out as part of uninterrupted electricity distribution in Zonguldak.
Başkent EDAŞ held an information meeting with the headmen working at the city center as well as the districts. Delegations, consisting of headmen working at the center and districts of Zonguldak, gathered with Başkent EDAŞ officials on 3 separate days and collected information about the activities of the company. 
During the visits, Buğra Han Çağıran, Zonguldak Distribution Operations Manager of Başkent EDAŞ, informed the headmen about the efforts to resolve the outages in Zonguldak during heavy snowfall and storm, while Burak Çetin, Investment Planning Team Manager, talked about the past and present investments of the company and the investment planning targets in 2022.
Furthermore, Başkent EDAŞ, which carries the communication efforts with the headmen one step further with the WhatsApp hotline at 0312 186 00 00, gave information about the efforts of the teams arriving from the surrounding provinces and the vehicles brought to the region during the disaster, as well as the preparation works carried out by the company prior to heavy snowfall. During the meeting, the headmen, who were informed about the energy distribution infrastructure investments and planned investments in Zonguldak, also shared the requests of the residents of their neighborhoods. Ideas were exchanged regarding the solution suggestions for the requests conveyed. Following the meeting, the headmen thanked Başkent EDAŞ for their efforts.
Having the purpose of bringing customer satisfaction to a higher level via communication as well as feedbacks collected, the company works in coordination with all related public institutions and organizations besides companies serving in their area of service in order to better understand the requirements as part of regularity of service.

